Think of cupping therapy as a deep tissue massage in reverse. Instead of a massage therapist kneading muscles, cups lift tissue. This negative pressure draws blood to the skin’s surface, bringing nutrients to muscles while also removing toxins from the area. The cups usually remain attached for 5 to 30 minutes.
How Cupping Therapy Works
Benefits of Cupping Therapy
Cupping can provide both physical and cosmetic benefits. By increasing blood circulation to isolated treatment areas, cupping benefits include:
Pain relief
Increased range of motion
Muscle relaxation
Reduce inflammation
Improved complexion
Wrinkle reduction
Easing headaches
Stress relief
Faster healing
Today cupping is well-known to help athletes’ muscles recover following intense workouts.
Aesthetic Uses
By improving blood circulation, cupping therapy can improve the appearance of the skin. That’s because the suction has the effect of promoting the rejuvenation of the layer of collagen and elastin under the skin. When this layer produces more cells and plumps up, the skin also looks and feels better. Other skin conditions such as herpes, eczema, cellulite, and acne scars can be treated with cupping.
Cupping Side Effects
The non-invasive nature of cupping means there’s no significant recovery time, but some patients do experience mild side effects. These can include nausea or sweating. The negative pressure associated with cupping can create circular discoloration and may irritate the skin.